Punj Lloyd Ltd has informed BSE that:
1. Dhariwal Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata, an RPG Group Company has issued a Letter of Intent to the Company for an EPC project for a value of Rs. 1023 Crores (Rupees One Thousand and Twenty Three Crores only).
The scope of work involve engineering, procurement and construction of complete Balance of Plant systems including civil and structural works for entire plant, erection, testing and commissioning services for Boiler, Turbine and Generators on a 2 X 300 MW thermal power project at Tadali village, near Chandrapur in Maharashtra.
2. Simon Carves Ltd. (SCL) our UK subsidiary, has obtained 'Take Over' certificate of the engineering and construction of the world's largest wheat to bio ethanol plant at Teesside, England, for its client, Ensus UK Ltd.
The client has decided to levy liquidated damages to the extent of GBP 23.1 million owing to delay in achieving the completion of this project. The delay in project completion is, inter alia, owing to delays by subcontractors, including certain client nominated sub contractors.