Friday, November 14, 2008
सेन्सेक्स (9385.42) -150.91 अंक गिरकर, निफ्टी (2810.35) -38.10 अंक गिरकर, बंद....
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European markets update: FTSE Index up 1.4%, DAX Index up 1.6% and CAC Index up 1.7%
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HRT : Sell LNT FUTS between Rs 797-787 with SL of Rs 808 for Target of Rs 772,767
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Trail SL in Educomp Nov FUTS to cost now, close to first target
HRT:: Short Educomp Nov Futs Between Rs 2390 -2450 with Sl of RS 2520 for target of Rs 2300, 2250
Delivery call : Buy and hold GTC at Rs 41-43 SL 34.90 target of Rs 51,61,77 and plus. Hold for 90 days.
सेन्सेक्स (8451.01) -322.77 अंक गिरकर, निफ्टी (2553.15) -81.85 अंक गिरकर, बंद....
सेन्सेक्स (8451.01) -322.77 अंक गिरकर, निफ्टी (2553.15) -81.85 अंक गिरकर, बंद....
Asian markets update: Nikkei Index down 6.9%, Hang Seng Index down 5.6% and Kospi Index down 6.2%
Nifty (2683) Sup 2600 Res 2765
Intraday Only : Sell Nifty Nov Fut at Rs 2680 SL 2725 for Target of Rs 2624.90,2601.90. Intraday Only
FIIs were net sellers at Rs5.21bn
सेन्सेक्स (9291.01) - 94.41 अंक गिरकर, निफ्टी (2799.55) -10.8 अंक गिरकर, बंद....
सेन्सेक्स (9291.01) - 94.41 अंक गिरकर, निफ्टी (2799.55) -10.8 अंक गिरकर, बंद....
सेन्सेक्स (9291.01) -94.41 अंक गिरकर, निफ्टी (2799.55) -10.80 अंक गिरकर, बंद....
Our first target completed in Nifty Fut at Rs 2777.90 Hold for second target of Rs 2797.90
European markets update: FTSE Index down 0.7%, CAC Index down 0.8% and DAX Index down 0.7%
Buy Nifty Nov Fut at Rs 2730 with SL 2670 for Tgt of Rs 2777.90,2797.90 and plus. Intraday Only
HRT : SELL Aban Nov Futs between Rs845-830 with SL of Rs865 for target of Rs800,790
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Event calendar
17-Nov Kesoram Industries Interim Dividend
18-Nov Accel Frontline Interim Dividend
19-Nov Ramsarup Industries AGM/Dividend
20-Nov Ballarpur Industries AGM/Dividend
20-Nov Orient press AGM
20-Nov Asian Electronics AGM
21-Nov Dhunseri Tea & Inds AGM/Dividend
24-Nov Birla Power Solutions AGM/Dividend
26-Nov Amar Remedies AGM
Event calendar
17-Nov Kesoram Industries Interim Dividend
18-Nov Accel Frontline Interim Dividend
19-Nov Ramsarup Industries AGM/Dividend
20-Nov Orient press AGM
20-Nov Ballarpur Industries AGM/Dividend
21-Nov Dhunseri Tea & Inds AGM/Dividend
24-Nov Birla Power Solutions AGM/Dividend
Satyam Comp Nov FUTS at RS264 with SL of cRs271 for target of Rs255, 252
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Delivery Calls !!
Buy BAJAJ STEEL at Rs 114.90 SL 94.90 Hold for Target of Rs 147.90,177.90 and plus Hold for 60 days
Buy & hold CENTRAL BANK at Rs39.10 with SL 34.90 for Tgt of Rs 46.90 and plus. Hold for 30 days.
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Pre Market Intraday Calls !!
Buy NTPC at 146-152 SL 119.90 Tgt 184.90
Buy Siemens at 304-310 SL 294.90 Tgt 329.90
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Pri Market Commentary ..
Today, we see a strong opening, and if all goes well, a bright day for the bulls. Like we said, the windshields don’t offer a clear view as yet. Do not overlook the raft of grim news (both economic and corporate) over the past several days, including Thursday when our markets were shut. They point to a rapidly worsening economic and business climate around the globe. Global recession is more or less factored in but the crux of the matter is the crisis appears to be worsening by the day. The slew of steps taken by global policymakers to stem the tide do no appear to have bore fruit as yet, except for the softening in Libor rates. When will this bloodbath end? No one really has the answers.
Leaders of G-20 - a group of leading developed and emerging nations - are scheduled to meet today in Washington to discuss the financial meltdown and the global economic slump, along with fresh remedial measures. The yen rose against the dollar and the euro on speculation that the G-20 summit will fail to reach a consensus on how to kick-start the global economy. Under debate are proposals ranging from curbing executive pay and restraining hedge funds to raising capital requirements for banks and subjecting credit-rating companies to stiffer oversight.
But, as usual, we continue to advocate caution.
Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) jumped 7.6% to Rs17.99
Shares of Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) jumped 7.6% to Rs17.99 after Japan's NTT DoCoMo said that it would buy a 26% stake in its parent, Tata Teleservices, for US$2.7bn. It will also make an open offer for another 20% shares.
FIIs were net sellers of Rs7.35bn
Positive & Negative Breakouts
Reliance Infra
Dabur India
Negative Breakouts
Bharti Airtel
Gujarat NRE
Tech Mahindra
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Thursday, November 13, 2008
NorthPOLE team wish all our clients and visitors -Happy Gurunanak Jayanti & Happy Dev Diwali!
Gurunanak Jayanti : Markets will be shut on Thursday.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
सेन्सेक्स (9536.33) -303.36 अंक चढ्कर, निफ्टी (2848.45) -90.20 अंक चढ्कर, बंद....
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Book Profit in SHORT LT around 806.90, position closed
Our intraday call of Sell LT close to target now trading at 809
Intraday :: HRT Sell LT Nov Fut at 833.90, SL 847.90 hold for tgt Rs 824.90 and 804.90
Delhi HC issues notice to government on spectrum allocation procedure - reports
European markets update: CAC Index up 1.7% and DAX Index up by 1.6%
FM says IIP numbers for September encouraging
Our delivery call on NTPC trading strong, hold for target
Buy & hold Aptech at Rs93 with SL of Rs89 for target of Rs99, 101
Our Siemens is going strong at Rs323, close to target
Our intraday Nifty target complited at 2977, HRT can hold for 3000 plus
Our second target complited in intraday Nifty at 2959, hold for next target ~Nifty may cross 3000 today itself..
"Intraday : Buy Nifty 2921.90, SL 2877.90
hold for target of 2949,2959 and 2977 plus."
IIP NO: Indias Industrial Production for September grew 4.8%
Our delivery call on Bajaj Steel trading strong at 139.80 upby 5%, hold for next target
Our SMS to paid clients was ...
"Delivery Call : Buy BAJAJ STEEL at Rs 114.90 SL 94.90 Hold for Target of Rs 147.90,177.90 and plus Hold for 60 days"
"will cross Rs144.45
in comming days
Hold for levels!"
High risk traders long BHEL NOV Futs between Rs1311-1355 with SL of Rs1277.90 for target of Rs1377 and 1405 plus
Reliance Industries
Shares of Reliance Industries declined by over 7% to Rs1207 after reports stated that the company’s gas and new refinery projects may miss deadline; likely to be commissioned in January 2009.
There were also reports stating that the Andhra Pradesh government would restructure the equity pattern of the Krishna-Godavari Gas Network to include Reliance Gas Corporation, a subsidiary of Reliance Industries, as a majority partner of the consortium. The scrip has touched an intra-day high of Rs1288 and a low of Rs1194 and recorded volumes of over 21,00,000 shares on BSE.
FIIs were net sellers of Rs3.7bn
FIIs were net sellers of Rs3.7bn (provisional) in the cash segment on Tuesday while local institutions pumped in Rs2.29bn. In the F&O segment, they were net sellers at Rs3.9bn. On Monday, foreign funds were net buyers of Rs1.35bn in the cash segment. Mutual funds were net buyers at Rs5.05bn on the same day.
Buy and Hold NTPC at 153 for delivery for short term for good returns for levles get paid.
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Bajaj Hind agrees to pay SAP for 2008-09 season at Rs140/quital - reports
Gurunanak Jayanti : Markets will be shut on Thursday.
Traders watch out for IIP numbers to be released today for the month of September
HRT: Buy SBI at Rs1214.90-1224.90 with SL of Rs1200 for target of Rs1244,1267.90 PLUS
Indian economy,
Indian economy, the IIP numbers for September will be out today. After August's heart-breaking plunge to 1.3%, IIP growth in the latest month is likely to be better. Estimates range from 3-6% expansion as against 6.9% in September 2007. While a better than expected IIP growth may bring some cheer, there are fears that things could get worse going ahead. As a result, one should watch out for economic numbers for October.The timing of the IIP data will depend on how good or bad the numbers are. We have seen in the past few weeks, how the Government is trying to manipulate the release of key economic data to limit the impact on financial markets.
Nifty (2939) Sup 2850 Res 3010
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
सेन्सेक्स (9839.69) -696.47 अंक चढ्कर, निफ्टी (2938.65) -209.60 अंक चढ्कर, बंद....
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Buy Nifty 3100 Call at Rs 122.90 SL 89.90 Target of Rs 157.90,177.90 and plus
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European markets have opened lower with FTSE Index down by 1.7%, CAC Index down by 2.2% and DAX Index down by 2.2%
Delivery Call : Buy and Hold ALKALI (533029) at Rs 191.90 SL 177.90 Target 197.90,217.90,234.90 and plus. Hold for 60 days
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Bajaj Steel: Our yesterday given call at 114.90 today trading strong at 128, trail SL cost to cost and hold for target
Our SMS to paid clients was ...
"Delivery Call : Buy BAJAJ STEEL at Rs 114.90 SL 94.90 Hold for Target of Rs 147.90,177.90 and plus Hold for 60 days"
Get SUCH calls... Join Us! comming days
Hold for levels!
Just Pay Rs3000 for 3 Months
[sms "QTY" to 09825677777]
Or call 098256 77777 for other details.
Book profit at Rs50.30 or lower on short 3300 Nov Nifty CALL given yesterday
Buy and Hold Bongai Refn for short term for good returns
GVKPIL: Trading strong this morning, First target complited at 21.40, hold for next target
Our SMS to paid clients was ...
"Buy GVKPIL at Rs 17
SL 12.40 and Tgt 21,24"
first target complited
Our delivery call GVKPIL close to first target at 21.25, hold for next target
Delivery call : Buy NTPC at Rs161.90 with SL of Rs154.90 for target of Rs172 and 177.90 plus
Delivery Call : Buy and Hold CENTRAL BANK at Rs 39.10 for stop loss and target .. JOIN US !!!
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Buy BPCL today for intraday on dips, get levels get paid, Join Us!
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Reliance Infrastructure has bought back 1,600,000 equity shares in less than two weeks. (FE)
Positive & Negative Breakouts
Indian Hotels
Maruti Suzuki
Satyam Computer
Negative Breakouts
Amtek Auto
Chennai Petro
Dr Reddy'S Labs
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Pre Market Ideas !!
Pre Market Intraday Calls !!
Pri Market Commentary ...
Today, we expect some cooling after Monday's strong rally, and weakness across global equities.,Indian markets may look to extend gains atleast in the morning trades. However, having said that good times may not last too long, as the overall trend still remains negative due to the global economic gloom. Global cues would play an important role in providing direction to Indian bourses.
We’re back to the stock market game, which remains unpredictable till the end. There are no clear winners here as volatility rules. Most players won't like to take undue risks at this stage, with Thursday being a public holiday, IIP data scheduled for tomorrow, and non-stop bad news coming from the global markets. Like in recent sessions, the markets could bounce back too. Wait for lower levels before buying. Don’t try match winning techniques for the day. Instead, look at long term strategies to win the championship, which means enhancing your portfolio value.
Nifty (3148) Sup 3060 Res 3200
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FIIs were net buyers of Rs923.3mn
सेन्सेक्स (10536.16) 571.87 अंक चढ्कर, निफ्टी (3148.25) 175.25 अंक चढ्कर, बंद....
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Monday, November 10, 2008
Our Delivery call on Bajaj Steel given at 114.90 now trading at 127.90, Get Such call ~ Join Us! ~ Get Paid

Our SMS to paid clients was ...
Delivery Call : Buy BAJAJ STEEL at Rs 114.90 SL 94.90 Hold for Target of Rs 147.90,177.90 and plus Hold for 60 days
Get Such Calls =Join Us!
Just Pay Rs3000 for 3 Months
[sms "QTY" to 09825677777]
Or call 098256 77777 for other details.
Sell Nifty 3300 NOV Call at Rs 80-90 or more.
Sell Nifty 3300 NOV Call at Rs 80-90 or more. Unwind position when Premium falls or cover by going Long in Nifty NOV Future on it breaching 3300 level in Cash
Our call on Bank Nifty trading strong at 5277.90, TARGET ACHIVED
"Buy and Hold Bank Nifty Nov at 5150,
SL, 5089 HOLD for
target of 5194, 5225 and 5300 plus"
Our Siemens is going strong at Rs326, trail SL to cost now
Our Punj Lloyd saw a high of Rs215. Trail SL to cost now
European markets update: FTSE Index up 2.9%, DAX Index up 2.8% and CAC Index up 2.7%
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Delivery Call : Buy BAJAJ STEEL at Rs 114.90 SL 94.90 Hold for Target of Rs 147.90,177.90 and plus Hold for 60 days
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Buy & Hold RELIANCE at Rs 1284.90 with SL 1184.90 hold for TGT of Rs 1297.90,1314.90,1339.90 and plus. Hold for 30 days
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Delivery Call : Buy & hold Rcom between Rs227-233 with SL of Rs219 for target of Rs247, 252 and plus for 30 days.
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Tata Steel trading strong at 212, close to first target
Delivery Call : Buy & hold Siemens at Rs314 with SL of Rs304 for target of Rs340, 345
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Our morning delivery call on TATA STEEL is trading strong in profit at 210, hold for targets
Get Such calls, Get Paid...
Our Bank Nifty trading on profit zone at 5189, get levels get paid ...
SMS to paid clients was...
"Buy and Hold Bank Nifty Nov at 5150,
SL, 5089 HOLD for
target of 5194, 5225 and 5300 plus"
Get Entry and Exits calls by sms and yahoo messenger,
Buy and Hold Bank Nifty Nov at 5150 for stop loss and target get padi...
Our Delivery Call Buy & hold call of Tata Steel is going strong at Rs207.4, trail SL to Rs199 now
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Delivery Call : Buy & hold Punj Lloyd at Rs208 with SL of Rs202 for target of Rs220, 225
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This morning, Asian markets are in cheerful mood, boosted partly by Chinas big-bang economic stimulus package and Taiwans rate cut.
Event calendar
10-Nov Monsanto India Interim Dividend
10-Nov Shriram Transport Finance Interim Dividend
11-Nov Alfa Laval India Interim Dividend
12-Nov Rolta India AGM/Dividend
12-Nov Nectar Lifesciences Stock Split
14-Nov eClerx Services Limited Interim Dividend
14-Nov Financial Technologies Interim Dividend
17-Nov Greaves Cotton Interim Dividend
17-Nov Kesoram Industries Interim Dividend
Alembic announcment impect ...
Shares of Alembic rallied by over 12% to Rs34.7 after the board of directors of the company announced that they would consider buyback of equity shares on November 14, 2008. The scrip touched an intra-day high of Rs36 and a low of Rs29.2 and recorded volumes of over 1,00,000 shares on BSE.
Pre Market Ideas !!
Sell ABB
Crude Oil update ..
US light crude oil for December delivery settled up 27 cents to $61.04 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange, after ending the previous session at a 19-month low. Gasoline prices fell another 2.6 cents to a national average of $2.314 a gallon.
Pre Market Intraday Calls !!
Buy Bharti
Positive & Negative Breakouts
Maruti Suzuki
Sterling Biotech
Negative Breakouts
Infosys Tech
Chennai Petro
Sterlite Ind
Tata Tea
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Pri Market Commentary ...
Given the bullish sentiment across globe,All these measures have lifted the spirits of Asian markets. Japan's Nikkei ended the morning session up 5.5% at 9,053.90 while the Hang Seng in Hong Kong jumped 6.1% in early trading and the Shanghai Composite index was up 6.5%.
Having said that, the good times may not last too long, as the overall trend still remains negative due to the global economic gloom.So, one can expect a bounce from August's dismal IIP figures. However, in the past we have seen lot of fluctuations in the IIP numbers. So, one should not get carried away if there is indeed a big jump in it in September.
Asian markets are in a really cheerful mood,
This morning, Asian markets are in a really cheerful mood, boosted partly by China's big-bang economic stimulus package and Taiwan's rate cut. Group of 20 (G 20) nations have also signaled that they will keep lowering borrowing costs and increase public spending, in a bid to arrest the economic slump across the globe.
Nifty (2973) Sup 2910 Res 3045
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