Saturday, October 4, 2008
सेन्सेक्स (12526.32) -529.35 अंक गिरकर, निफ्टी (3818.30) -132.45 अंक गिरकर, बंद....
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Friday, October 3, 2008
Sensex : 12539.71 -515.96 Nifty : 3818.40 -132.35
Delivery Call : Buy and Hold Reliance at 1794.90 ,for Tgt of Rs 1844.90 , 1911and 2000 puls . Hold for Diwali.
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Sensex : 12659.97 -400.70 Nifty : 3844.65 -106.10
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Sell TCS Oct FUTS at Rs 665 with SL of Rs ??? for target of Rs ??? GET ENTRY AND EXIT GET PAID !!!
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TARGET ACHIVED: our Buy and Hold Sunpharma going strong at 1486, book some profit
"Buy and Hold SUN Pharma AT 1460.90
with SL 1447.90 and hold for
target of Rs1477, 1484.90 and plus"
Buy and Hold Sun Pharma for short term for good returns, get entry and exit - join us!---today!
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Steel stocks are trading lower ...
SAIL 117.70
Tata Steel 420.10
NTPC: our pri market and delivery call going strong at 177 up by2%, hold for target...
Tata Motors Sept sales up 2.7% to 49,647 units
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Our Intraday call on LT first target complited at 1244.90, hold for next
our SMS to paid clients was ...
"Buy LT FUT at 1214-1216, SL 1189.90 hold for target of 1244.90 and 1257 plus"
Get Entry and Exits calls by sms and yahoo messenger,
Get Paid!!

Just Pay Rs11000 for 12Months
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Just Pay Rs5500 for 6 Months
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Just Pay Rs3000 for 3 Months
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Or call 098256 77777 for other details.
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Intraday call of Nifty CLOSE TOsecound target, trail SL cost to cost, and hold for revised target
Our intraday call of Nifty ~ close to first target at 3920, hold for next targets
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"Buy Nifty Oct at 3905 for intraday
with SL 3889, for target of 3924
and 3944.90 plus"
Get Entry and Exits calls by sms and yahoo messenger,
Get Paid!!

Hero Honda
Negative Breakouts (BSE-200)
Educomp Solutions
R Power
Crompton Greaves
Tech Mahindra
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Hold NTPC and ITC for short term for good returns, get entry and exti - Join Us!
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Asian Market update ...
Pri Market Commentary ...
Today,we expect our market to soften at the opening bell. The key indices may turn choppy later in the day, as the global cues will continue to determine the overall market trend. The sentiment will remain jittery due to the uncertainty surrounding the US and other key global economies. What might add to the nervousness will be the inflation numbers and anxiety over the latest quarterly numbers.
The Dow Jones fell sharply overnight as weak economic reports contributed nervousness ahead of the House vote on the US$700bn bank rescue plan later on Friday. A positive outcome will help in restoring confidence in the financial markets. Until that happens, one must remain careful and keep a close watch on developments underway in the US.
Pre Market Ideas !!
Sell Mah Seamless
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Pre Market Intraday Calls !!
Sell JSW Steel
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Nifty (3951) Sup 3850 Res 4030
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Thursday, October 2, 2008
Both NSE and BSE Market will remain close today 2nd Oct 2008, due to Gandhi Jayanti.
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No smoking at public places all over the country from today
The much talked about ban on smoking at public places all over the country comes into effect from today. Violation of the ban, imposed under the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) Act, 2003, will attract a fine of up to Rs.200.Smoking will be prohibited at all places to which the public has access, including auditoriums, health institutions, government buildings, restaurants, courts, public conveyances, public transport, stadiums, railway stations, bus stops, workplaces, shopping malls, refreshment rooms, discotheques, pubs and airport lounges. The ban will not cover open spaces.
Union Health Minister Anbumani Ramadoss has welcomed the Supreme Court order declining to stay the Centre’s notification prohibiting smoking. He described the ban as a major step towards providing a smoke-free atmosphere and protecting non-smokers from passive smoking.
He said he had personally written to Governors, Chief Ministers, Health Ministers and Members of Parliament to ensure effective implementation of the ban.
On Maharashtra and Bihar which expressed their inability to impose it, Dr. Ramadoss said all efforts, including litigation, would be made to pressure the States to implement the prohibition. Massive publicity and awareness campaigns would be launched.
The law clearly defines the duties and responsibilities of the owner, manager, proprietor, supervisor and anyone in charge of a public place so that he or she could enforce these provisions. In large hotels and restaurants having more than 30 rooms or 30 seats and airports, a provision for a separate smoking area is made. Public places would have to identify the individuals empowered to enforce the law, issue challans or collect fines.
Dr. Ramadoss said if the owner or authorised person failed to act on complaints, he would be fined equivalent to the number of individual offences.
The Health Department is empowered to print the numbered receipt book and the challan book for distribution to authorised officers and ensure that these are accounted for.
The States might create a separate head of account, as was done by Gujarat, in which the fine could be deposited. The department could use the money for tobacco control activities. The head under which the fine is credited could be indicated at the bottom of the receipt. The second option would be to deposit the fine into a miscellaneous account of the department.
Anyway, NO SMOKING Please anymore!...
oh anywhere..
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Our Kotak Bank is going strong at Rs573, trail SL to cost and trade safe
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Buy & hold AXIS Bank at Rs732 with SL of Rs ??? for target of Rs ??? GET ENTRY AND EXIT GET PAID !!!
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European markets update: FTSE Index up 1.3%,CAC Index up 0.4% and DAX Index is trading flat
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High risk traders buy & hold Kotak Bank at Rs563 with strict SL of Rs ??? for target of Rs ??? GET ENTRY AND EXIT GET PAID !!!
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Buy & hold Neyveli Lignite at Rs87.8 with SL of Rs82 for target of Rs98
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Target Achived in Intraday NIFTY, book profit, at 3944.90 ~Profit Rs60 per lot
= Rs60 Profit per lot
=Rs60 x 50 lot sixe
= Rs3000 profit per lot.
Pay Just Rs3000 for 3Months...
Get Entry and Exits calls by sms and yahoo messenger,
Get Paid!!

Just Pay Rs11000 for 12Months
[sms "Yearly" to 09825677777]
Just Pay Rs5500 for 6 Months
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Just Pay Rs3000 for 3 Months
[sms "QTY" to 09825677777]
Or call 098256 77777 for other details.
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HRT: Buy Nifty Oct Fut at 3880, SL 3790 for intraday target of 3897 and 3910 plus
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High risk traders buy & hold Suzlon at Rs158 with SL of Rs154 for target of Rs166, 169
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Pri Market Commentary ,,,
Tata Comm
Colgate Palmolive
Sun Pharma
Negative Breakouts (BSE-200)
Sterling Biotech
Glaxosmithkline Pharma
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Pre Market Ideas !!
Sell Fed Bank
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Pre Market Intraday Calls !!
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Nifty (3921) Sup 3830 Res 4010
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Tuesday, September 30, 2008
सेन्सेक्स (12856.95) 261.20 अंक चढ्कर, निफ्टी (3921.20) 71.15 अंक चढ्कर, बंद....
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Buy Rel Capital for intraday, get entry and exit, Get Paid, Join us!
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Trail SL in Nifty OCT Futs to 3920, with regards to strategy given on Nifty earlier today.
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NTPC: delivery call going strong at 175.45, close to first tgt, hold for targets
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... our SMS was ...
Buy & Hold NTPC at Rs169.5 with SL of Rs165 for target of Rs177, 179
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RCOM: Book profit at 346 Intraday call given at 334 - target achived,
Intraday : Buy Rcom at 334 SL 327.90
and hold for target of 344.90 plus
Get Entry and Exits calls by sms and yahoo messenger,
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Just Pay Rs11000 for 12Months
[sms "Yearly" to 09825677777]
Just Pay Rs5500 for 6 Months
[sms "HALF" to 09825677777]
Just Pay Rs3000 for 3 Months
[sms "QTY" to 09825677777]
Or call 098256 77777 for other details.
ICICI Bank up by 5% :
RBI arranged to provide adequate cash to ICICI
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European markets are trading lower lower with FTSE index down 2.2%,CAC Index down 2.3% and DAX Index down 2.2%.
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ACC : Delivery call first target achived, hold for next target
"Learn to Earn, Even in BEARISH MARKETS!"
Get Paid!!

Just Pay Rs11000 for 12Months
[sms "Yearly" to 09825677777]
Just Pay Rs5500 for 6 Months
[sms "HALF" to 09825677777]
Just Pay Rs3000 for 3 Months
[sms "QTY" to 09825677777]
Or call 098256 77777 for other details.
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Buy Nifty Oct Fut @ Rs3905 and Short 4100 Oct Call Rs100
Our new revised TARGET IN NIFTY achived at 3924.90, hold for next target
HRT: hOLD Nifty at 3901 with SL cost to cost, for target of 3925 and 3947 plus
Buy & Hold NTPC at Rs169.5 with SL of Rs165 for target of Rs177, 179
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Our Buy Nifty going strong at 3914, hold for new revised target
" Buy Nifty at 3861-3865 for intraday, SL 3797.90 for target of 3879.90 and 3897 plus"
Asian markets update: Nikkei Index down 3.6%, Hang Seng Index down 2.4% and Kospi Index down 1.2%.
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Buy and hold delivery of ACC around 599-601, with SL 591.90 and short target of 612 and 617.90 plus
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HRT: Buy SBIN at 1415 with strict SL 1400 for intraday target of Rs1437 and 1447 plus
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Kindly confirm with your broker:
NorthPOLE team wishses Shubh NAVRATRI !
Sarv Mangal Mangalye
Shivay Sharvarth Sadike
Sharneye Trambake Gauri
Narayani Namostute
Maa Jagdamba
aap sarve nu kalyan kare
NorthPOLE pariwar ne shubh kamna
Pri Market Commentary ...
Amidst all the gloom, some flowers may bloom. A bounce back is not ruled out later in the day. You will hear rumors and whispers of margin calls being triggered if stocks come crashing substantially. Close your ears for now and open your eyes to opportunities for the medium to long term.
For those happy hunting for mid-cap bargains, avoid the temptation and stick to the large caps. Don’t go overboard as the near term outlook remains hazy. Add some stocks at lower levels today for quick gains during a bounce back. If you don’t have the money and the appetite, just say good bye!
Positive & Nagative Breakouts
Colgate Palmolive
Hindustan Unilever
Hero Honda
Nagative Breakouts (BSE 200)
Bank of India
Indian Hotels
Cairn India
Tata Tea
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Monday, September 29, 2008
सेन्सेक्स (12595.75) -506.43 अंक गिरकर, निफ्टी (3850.05) -135.20 अंक गिरकर, बंद....
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Nifty slips below 3800 :: Nifty trading at fresh 2008 low
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Our Sell Axis Bank down by 6.5% at 660, Book profit
Sell Axis Bank Oct Futs at Rs675-685
with strict SL of Rs694 for target of Rs650, 642 (levels as per cash)