BHEL has secured Rs10bn contract from Punatsangchhu Hydroelectric Project Authority. (FE)
GMR Infrastructure plans to raise over Rs15bn via private equity route. (ET)
Mahindra & Mahindra and the UK’s BAE Systems to inject US$21.25mn over a three-year period into their joint venture company, Defence Land Systems India. (BS)
Pantaloon Retail plans to spin off at least five of its brands and merge them with Capital Foods. (ET)
Nagarjuna Construction secured five orders aggregating Rs5.8bn. (BL)
Jet Airways plans to raise US$200mn in the coming 3-4 weeks via QIP route. (FE)
Areva T&D India bagged two projects worth Rs2.8bn from Power Grid Corporation of India for installation of sub-stations in Punjab and Haryana. (BL)