Today is a new listing of RENAISSANCE JEWELLERY LIMITED, Wednesday, December 12, 2007, on BSE (SCRIP CODE 532923), as well as on NSE (RJL).May List at 150-250
There is a new listing of EDELWEISS CAPITAL LIMITED, Wednesday, December 12, 2007, on BSE (SCRIP CODE 532922), as well as on NSE (EDELWEISS). May List above 1500-1600
The derivative contracts in the underlying GITANJALI, BINDALAGRO, NAGARFERT, PARSVNATH, IFCI, HOTELEELA, BONGAIREFN, ADLABSFILM, BALRAMCHIN, GMRINFRA, JPHYDRO & ARVINDMILL have crossed 95% of the market-wide position limit and are currently in the ban period. It is hereby informed that all clients shall trade in above contracts only to decrease their positions through offsetting positions.
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