The slight correction on Friday was triggered more by the Finance Minister’s comments. He said the Sensex is more of a number and that he was surprised and worried. Sensex is driven by corpus inflow of funds, he added and that’s what we keep saying as Liquidity driving the market. Once a fall starts, views change overnight and the reasoning would be if we can get it at better valuations in sometime, why not? Medium to long term investors need not be worried. In fact the rise in the Sensex, particularly the last 2000 points was driven by a handful of stocks. But when the correction happens, most mid-caps bear the brunt as retail investors press the panic button. The indices will remain volatile depending on cues from the global markets.
Buy Tata Power
Buy Bharti Airtel
Buy Welspun Gujrat
Buy Alok Industries
Buy Birla Jute
Wish you happy NAVARATRI and happy trading days
Kalpesh Patel